Migratory Spirits

Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving ~ Kahlil Gibran

photo by Grady

And so, how do we know when the time is right to follow our Spiritual Path? As with the migrant birds there is a voice within.  If only we would listen to it.  It whispers to us with such certainty as to when to take flight and even the direction with which to proceed. As migratory birds form a V to make their flight easier so then should we form our own V to ease our Spiritual Journey. If we live mindfully and strive for moral excellence, our V will take beautiful form.  Naturally encompassing the 12 Virtues.

Love, Humility, Perseverance, Respect, Honor, Sacrifice, Truth, Compassion, Bravery, Fortitude, Generosity and Wisdom.

If we lead with Love and fly with a Winged Heart, the rest will follow.

Flight of the Daydreams

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world ~ Harriet Tubman 

photo by Grady

Whenever we daydream we are able to lose ourselves in a flow of conscious thought.  During these seemingly timeless moments, we are able to slow ourselves down enough so as to reach that place of absolute calm.   That place where we are able to do anything and go anywhere simply through power of thought.  Daydreams take us to a place where we are able to escape the outer world and at the same time we are free to explore our inner sanctuary. For when we daydream, we strengthen our creativity and our well-being. We allow ourselves to be transported to places where ideas take form and fire our passion.

And when we give flight to our daydreams we give spirit a chance to soar.